
It is a procedure to end a pregnancy. sometimes it is also known as the terminal of pregnancy. We also stop our pregnancy by using some medicines and other surgical operations to remove the embryo and the fetus from the uterus. To do this we first of all we need license by health care professional. this decision is very personal.. This process occurs not only by chance parents do this with their will.

Types of Abortion

There are two main types of Abortion;

  • Medical abortion ( Non- Medical Abortion)
  • Surgical abortion

Medical Abortion

It is a procedure in which we uses some medicines to end up a pregnancy or to stop this process. It doesn't require any type of surgery or it can be started either at home or office with the daily visit of your doctor. This is very safe and the most effective during the first trimester of pregnancy. Before starting this procedure first of all, we need to know all its side- effects and other risks that occur after this. people can choose this type of abortion to complete a miscarriage or to end the pregnancy that we don't want. 

Risks of medical Abortion

It includes;

  • Incomplete Abortion
  • If the procedure doesn't work then stop the pregnancy
  • high bleeding occurs
  • infection 
  • fever

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortions are also called as in-clinic abortions. They are more beneficial then the medical abortion. 
its two types are as follows;
  • Aspiration Abortion 9 The most common type)
  • Dilation and evacuation
If a pregnancy in women is 10 or more weeks. Then she is not eligible for medical Abortion. women up to 15 weeks then it is an aspiration abortion. while D and E abortions are performed at 15 weeks or after.

Causes of Abortion

The causes often occurs when there is problem in the chromosomes of the fetus.

  • Problems in chromosomes
  • problems in placenta
  • Those things that increase your risk. An early miscarriage that occur by chance.
  • Infections are the second cause of abortions,  that represent about 15% of the cases.

  • Metabolic and vascular causes
  • Tobacco consumption
  • chronic renal diseases

What it's used for?

It is used to end an unplanned pregnancy. it usually happens when birth plan is not in control or not being used. The majority of Abortions are performed during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Side effects of  Abortion

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Light vaginal bleeding
  • Nausea
  • Sore breasts
  • Fatigue

Bleeding after an abortion

It was experienced by many women. During this type of time period you may experience days with light to heavy spotting.It is also normal to pass the blood clots, however, large clots for more than 2 hours is not normal. 

Due to abortion many women think that they look healthy and fat but this was just their fear.No such thing happens. Our related artical is Anorexia Nervosa

Symptoms of Abortion

  • strong- smelling vaginal discharge.
  • severe pelvic pain.
  • untreated infections

other types of complications that a women can experience from or after an abortion includes;

  • Incomplete or failed abortion
  • Uterine infection
  • Septic shock
Some other complications include emergency complications like, 

  • Fever
  • High amount of bleeding
  • Strong- smelling vaginal discharge
  • Chills
  • Severe abdominal pain

Care tips after Abortion

After abortion, concern your Doctor so he will provide special care and instructions for you.

To reduce its side- Effects and increase your comfort after an abortion, you can;

  • Use heating pads, which can ease cramps.
  • Stay hydrated, especially, when you are experiencing vomiting or other disease like Diarrhea.
  • Take some medicines like. Ibuprofen, to reduce cramps and pain.
  • Massage your abdomen at the site of the cramps.
  • Wear a tight- fitted Bra to relieve breast tenderness.

After Abortion birth control use

After abortion, you should need to pregnant immediately, so you can use contraception immediately right to avoid pregnancy.

The end of pregnancy is a common decision that many people make- every year. Many pregnancies end due to abortion.

People don't know that abortion is illegal or not, people require abortion services and have access on this.

when undertaken by a trained health- care provider in sanitary conditions,  Abortions are one of the safest medical procedure that is available now days and also safer even than the birth of child.

Sometimes governments restrict access to abortions, people are compelled to resort to unsafe abortions, especially important for those who cannot afford to travel or seek private care. that brings us to the next point.

Government should ban these types of abortions. This ban do nothing to reduce the abortions. it only forces people to seek out unsafe abortions.

Unsafe abortions are defined by, World Health Organization (WHO) 
 " A procedure for terminating the pregnancy which is carried by persons that lack the necessary skills on an environment that does not confirm minimal medical standards."

If we estimate that what abortion cases are present in Pakistan in one year then we can say that the estimated time is 25 million unsafe abortions takes place each year. The majority of abortion is in vast countries.  In contrast to other types of abortions can have fatal consequences. The deaths and injuries of unsafe abortion is preventable. these types of deaths are common in many countries where access to safe abortion is limited. 
                   written by Hadia Khalid

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  1. Very informative artical must read it

  2. Very very interesting...i m intrrested in medical related blogs.. Very informative it is..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. thanku thanku so much for providing us the basics about it . i love to learn about medical guides this is really helpful.. i m a medical student...kindly provides me the best knowledge about medical related terms


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