How covid-19 became a well-wisher for plastic industry...

Corona virus: well-wisher of plastic waste


There is a sharp increase in plastic waste during the pandemic coronavirus. Actually coronavirus has increased the plastic waste by promoting plastic glove formation, plastic mask formation, plastic cabinet formation, plastic bag formation, as well as some other plastic things.

To know more about corona virus see our related article: Corona virus

You can see that now days corona virus is on its peak many people lose their lives while suffering from this. Schools, colleges, restaurants and many other institutions are closed due to this. Before the start of corona virus some people banned the plastic bags and use paper products instead of this.  

During the course of corona virus plastic has become more common and it is very used by many people before the start of corona virus. plastic is used vey less but now days it become a major part of our lives without this our life is in danger. People also wear mask, use sanitizer. Hence prove that we are nothing without plastic.

Increase in plastics show a great impact on the environment. Plastic also use in hospitals as a medical care or to prevent yourself from the covid-19 pandemic. The different plastic face shields are designed as a medical professional and are shipping across the United States.

The increase in plastics is understandable, but we need to think our planet’s California  which is the latest state to lift its ban on plastic but the other countries don’t do this. They fear that use of plastic can destroy their lives. 

The surge in plastic is a major cause of fight against plastic pollution, which is increased by 40% of the decade. plastic is highly used in restaurants now a days. Before the arrival of corona virus plastic is not used in high amount but now it has been used widely. We use many gloves many masks to prevent you from pandemic. 

The recycling activity included sometimes in pandemic is heavily burdened. In other countries, it is heavy burden in the environment, also very abundant in the plastic waste. We know that many natural resources are included in pandemic. Its results have been recorded during the period of lockdown.

A study is found that the covid-19 virus can live on the paper upto 24 hours on cardboard and clothes. But it can live upto 72 hours only on plastic and the other shiny or transparent surfaces.
   Covid-19 has lighten a host of its problems which includes plastic pollution.

Something’s that are done by the consumers include

shopping at stores or shopping malls that are not support small businesses but also reduce the plastic bags. 

The gloves, masks and other things that we use in our daily life you can through these things in dustbins on the road not on the public places.

The city Thailand began the year with a ban on plastics but the pandemic corona virus and lockdown situations has play a major role in the plastic waste.

South East Asia is one of the best and major countries for the use of plastic waste. But Thailand is a major contributor among the top. In January this country has led a ban on plastic and was reduce up to 30% of the year.

 But the corona virus and the lockdown situation has led a major rise on the plastic waste. 

If we go to the background information of plastic in Thailand then the institute which is named as Thailand environment institute the plastic waste went from 2,120 tons per day in 2019to approximately 3,440 tons per day in January and then april in 2020. Then the rise in April is nearly 62%. 

Food deleivery

One of the major problem of the plastic is food delivery. The waste which is produced from single delivery contain many items of plastic such as containers, seasoning packets, beverage holders, chopsticks, spoons, forks and many others.
The containers which are made up of plastics are often contaminated, there is no regulation on waste separation and enforcement.

Waste management

The countries which include America, Europe and japan also led to high led to high level of plastic waste. The average data for the use of plastic is nearly the person uses 8 plastic bags per day in Thailand which usually adds up to 200 billion per year. 


The effects of plastic waste are long term. The pollution affects the oceans aquatic life, and also related to humans. The plastic pollution has been contaminating the air that we breathe every day.

A plenty of plastic is appear in worldwide, from California, where different government agencies had temporary lifted ban on plastic it can also be said that this virus can be transmitted through re-useable bags, and then sent to Asian cities that struggle their best to manage their trash before the covid-19.

Even in other countries like Hong Kong, which is the wealthiest city in the world, pours its 70% waste into landfills or then reuse it.

In the upcoming days, many countries had promised to use plastic in fewer amounts. The city Thailand had banned plastic bags at big stores in January and then planned to destroy plastic waste in 2020. And then it rises up to 30%. While on the other hand Bangkok alone consumed 62% plastic in the month of April.

It also involves food packaging that is” not easily recycled- according to Thailand Environment institute.

The researchers in Bangladesh have estimated that the country develops nearly 16,000 tons of dangerous plastic waste during the month of corona virus lockdown.

Waste and recycling problems are invested in for 20 years. But now it is an opportunity to start.

Due to corona virus the bidders sit in separate cubicles during a flower auction in south Africa.

People also wear mask on their occasion of marriage or as well as party.

On the other hand in Wuhan a man go to somewhere on cycle and also he wear mask. Also they wear their whole suit to cover their whole body and to prevent you from covid-19 pandemic 
In different countries of the world police are fitted with personal protective equipment in India.

Because of this virus people also avoid handshakes to meet someone personally and to eat something that is poisonous or being eaten by others.

 It is our duty that the gloves that are useless should through them on dustbin not on public places.

We should develop new technologies to recycle mixed plastics and now days plastic has become a major part of our lives.  
                Written by: Hadia khalid

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