
It is also known as education in home or learning various study skills by staying at home. 

In this type of schooling the parents hire a teacher  for their children and the education was given by the teacher to the student  either through computer, mobile or laptop. This education was also given online, at home or at other places but not in schools. This type of education was also given by parents, teacher and the tutor. Most of the families use less ways for education. 

Some people do not educate their children specially girls because they thought that the girls take care of their house, husband or children in their future life. So, their education is not necessary but this concept was fake. It was just a prediction.  Besides this many parents don’t think this concept. Near to them the education of boys and girls is equal. They provide equal education to both of their children. They do not follow the concept of people that to educate only boys instead of girls.

 Corona virus and homeschooling

In homeschooling you should given time to your studies in which you need to ensure your skills. If a child wants to get education during pandemic corona virus then it is the duty of parent to hire a perfect online teacher, a tutor or whatever you want for your children's studies without wasting your time.


It is the duty of their children to get education and to get good marks. As you know that in every city there is a lockdown due to pandemic corona virus.  so, it’s a good opportunity for the children to get benefit from this opportunity. The students should at least spend much of their time on homeschooling. If he or she is weak and not spend much of their time on homeschooling then he should spend at least 2 or 3 hours in online classes.

What is the time of homeschooling??

 In this time, the students learn many things related to their study. Moreover, the time for homeschooling should be depend on a student’ s age. Many parents choose homeschooling instead of sending their children to private or government schools. Families choose this profession for a variety of reasons includes that the parents feel dissatisfaction while send them to schools, colleges and other learning places.


This concept was first given by 1970’s when many authors, publishers and researchers  started writing on educational reforms.  They suggest that instead of keeping free their children the parents should assign a type of education by home. There are about 2 million children present in the U.K that gain their education through homeschooling with the increasing percentage.  This type of education is legal in all 50 states and in many foreign countries.

What are the requirements 

To homeschool your 


The requirements for homeschooling vary from place to place while some other states like united nations have no requirements for homeschooling their children.

According to author: 

The famous author which is named as;JOHN Holt, write on their book which is named as, TEACH YOUR OWN  that the things that need to know by the parents for homeschool their children is to like them, enjoy the company of their children their physical appearance, their energy, foolishness and their passion and also their spirit. The duty of the parents is to enjoy the talk of their children and answer their questions which can be asked from them.


How do you get started with


In many countries of the world, parents do not need a degree related to education to start a homeschool for their children. The parents that have young children who never attended a traditional classroom can also begin a homeschooling or education program for their children when they turn into school age. But this process is entirely different from those parents who have already kids in schools and then decide to homeschool them. Then first of all their duty is to write a letter of withdrawal to the school principal.  This letter sent  to the principal by the parents that they start homeschooling for their children instead of schooling at school or to get their education at school.


Types of homeschooling

The different types of homeschooling related to pandemic corona virus as follows;

  •         Classical homeschooling
  •         Charlotte homeschooling
  •        Mason homeschooling
  •        Montessori
  •       Unschooling
  •        School-at-home
  •       Unit-studies


What are the best programs

 of homeschooling?

  •            Learning time
  •           Classical academic press
  •            Calvert education
  •           Son light curriculum
  •           Out school
  •          The great courses plus
  •          CHSH- Teach

Classical methods of 


The three stages of this method are as

1.      The stage of pronunciation related to grammar;  it includes facts about learning, ability to remember something, and knowledge gathering.

2.      The stage of logic;  is the logic when reasoning and knowledge both are applied to the knowledge.

3.      The rhetoric stage;  it involves when the student learns about various skills for wisdom.

Benefits of homeschooling

Parents have the opportunity to,

  1.             Sort out the schedule of their children
  2.            When you don’t understand something about any topic then you should ask that question from your teacher, and unless you understand something then the whole class is in your wait they do not move on to the next.
  3.          Show your children that education is not a fun.
  4.           Parents should create best bond to their children.
  5.           Parents should also provide religious and ethical instruction for their children.
  6.           Parents spend extra time with their children
  7.           Take your children on vacations when their study session is off.

Disadvantages of homeschooling

Homeschooling parents are required to,

  1.          The duty of parents is to be around until they study or become restless.
  2.           When child try their best in study during homeschooling then your duty to become patient.
  3.           The parents Spend much money on the books and learning of their children.
  4.          Constantly adapted by effective teachers.
  5.          Parents also motivate their children in their life decisions or decisions about study.
  6.          Spend much of their time in reviewing various curriculum activities
  7.           The duty of parents is to find some loyal friends for their children. So, that they should help your children in learning or writing skills.

Homeschooling is very stressful but besides this it is also rewarding. It is not for every parent. Few parents understand this type of education but some are not. The duty of parents is to provide clean atmosphere to the child so he can easily manage their study and can get good marks or grades.

           Written by: Hadia khalid

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