Pakistani diabetics diet plans to control sugar level...

Diabetics diet plans to control high sugar level


Diabetes is a serious disease in which your body lost its ability to process food which is used as energy source as a result blood sugar level rises in the body. Most of the food which we intake converts in to glucose or sugar. When blood sugar rises in the body, this condition conveys a signal to the pancreas (an organ near the stomach) which start producing insulin to control sugar level in the body to help glucose enter in to the cells for energy use and when insulin does not properly produce and its insufficient production cause diabetes.

Discovery of diabetes.

It is a short term of diabetes mellitus. Which is derived from Greek word. Diabetes meaning to pass through and Latin word mellitus mean sweet.

Johann Peter Frank discovered it by differentiating diabetes mellitus and insipidus in 1794.

  Symptoms of diabetes

These are most common symptoms of this disease.
Urinating repeatedly.
Healing process slow down on cuts or wounds etc.
Feeling thirsty most of the time.
Vision power weak.
Feeling hungry even you are eating.

Essential foods for Diabetic patients

 If one person has diabetes he should have to take food every 4 to 6 hours to maintain blood sugar level. These are the foods which can easily use for the diabetic patients.

They can take yogurt.
Boiled eggs.
Apple slices.
Eat low fatty foods such as lean meat.
Beef stick.
Fruit, vegetables, high fiber foods etc.

Harmful foods for the diabetic patient     


List of food which to be avoided by diabetic patient.

Sugar containing drinks are really Injurious.
Pasta, rice, white bread.
Flavored coffee drinks.
Fruit which are dried.
Sugar containing breakfast like sweetened cereals.
Honey and other nectar types.

Water intake

    If you want to control blood sugar quickly then drink more water as a result urination level rises and your body release more water and also sugar. But if you have a kidney and heart problem with diabetes then drink less water and intake high protein containing snacks. these protein containing lowers your blood sugar level.

Diabetes friendly soft drinks

Besides water these drinks can be taken by a patient.
Energy drinks.
Hot chocolates.
Orange juice.
Apple juice.
And every types of citrus juices.
Green tea. Which have positive effect on your health.
Low fat containing milk.

Diet plans for breakfast

Now we are discussing about the routine breakfast diet plan for patient.
You can take oat meal, cottage cheese, yogurt, omelets, French toast etc.
Beside these foods you can also intake moong dal, and high protein snacks.
You need a healthy breakfast to maintain your energy and it takes a long time for the digestion of breakfast. In healthy breakfast you can use a healthy drink which is made as. Blend one cup of milk which is fat free and yogurt with half cup fruits like bananas, berries, strawberries, add one spoon wheat, nuts then add ice and blend for further tasting.

Diet plans for lunch

Lunch diet includes 
Different types of salads.
Fruit including apples, berries, oranges and all citrus fruit.
Daily used meats such as chicken and turkey which are of low salt concentration, salt containing soups.
Hard boiled eggs.
By keeping in mind a specific portion of diet these things can be used for lunch.

Diet plans for dinner 

These are the recommended dinner for the patient.

Protein containing like chicken and other meats.
White bean soup.
Green beans can also use.
Oven fried chicken.
In drinks orange juice, hot chocolate can use.

Fast foods for Diabetics patients

Fast foods are not good for the patient. Because these foods contain higher fat content, salt concentration and high sugar content.
 You can use highly processed fast foods. You can even eat KFC foods which is real chicken breast which contain no skin, Only 220 calories.
But after fast food meal you should check blood sugar within two hours and see how it is affected.

Exercises for diabetes patients

Regular exercise required for the patients to control sugar level. These are the following exercises beneficial.
Weight lifting.
Regular walking.
Dance like aerobic.
By taking true foods and exercises most of the patients can cured. Because during exercise heart beat become fast and sweating starts which maintain blood sugar level. And you can be cured very fast.

Is banana appropriate choice for diabetic patients?

 Banana is not good choice for diabetic patients aa it is rich in sugar and carbs which can fluctuate blood sugar levels..
It may be very harmful for diabetic patients. Because it can raise your blood sugar level more than other nutrients which means that it can greatly affect your blood  sugar control..

Is milk good for diabetes patients?

Milk contain carbohydrate and its number containing affect blood sugar level. While cow’s milk contains calcium and add in to the blood and lower the level of sugar.

                   Written by:  Laiba zakir
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