Fairness creams

Precaution: Do not use them🔕

Fairness creams have hydroquinone and  steroids which are harmful components that cause carcinogenic effect.

A very frequently asks question is:

Can my skin tone get permanently lighter? 

Is it possible for a person to completely change their skin tone?  

The answer is that no, not permanently change your skin color but you can do make it more brighter or more even tone. If you have any kind of dark patches or spot on your face that can definitely be lightened also even lighter your skin but permanently not change your skin tone.   Some people use the fairness creams or lotion to change their skin tone. 

These are available in market in veey few amounts and cause the carcinogenic effect which means to cause cancer. These creams have harmful effect on using long term and those creams are not recommended by any dermatologist. Some of chemicals are describe below that used in mostly fairness cream which cause harmful effects.


Mercury damages the skin it is use in soaps and creams. Mercury can cause rashes skin discolouration and scarring it also reduces the skin’s resistance to bacterial and fungal infection other effects also includes anxiety, depression long term use of mercury also causes and makes the skin and nail daka aim.


Steroid creams are skin bleaching creams. The effects of using steroid creams is the lightening the skin color steroids may reduce the number of melanin activity in the skin also lightens the skin color very quickly however it results a just short term, when these creams are stopped the skin usually reverts to its original color meanwhile prolonged use of these creams can lead to thin skin damage because the use of steroids in bleaching creams are illegal. Many companies will not list error rates under their ingredients to avoid this choose your products from brand you trust these look out when buying a product to know if these products have hydroquinone that is toxic to cells.


hydroquinone is toxic to cells and long term use of hydroquinone can cause cancer and exogenous extra nurses which is when your skin turn bluish and black color and also damage your pigment cells product the red stretch marks on face. Hydroquinone decreases the melanin pigment in your skin and skin become more sensitive to sun this increases UV exposure which in turn increases the risk of getting more future hyperpigmentation. It can be used in small percent if your doctor recommended in dark spot condition. Short term side effects of hydroquinone include redness.  It has been banned in so many countries up and in Asia.


Its chemical causes the body and skin color to change on its own. It also causes the uneven pigmentation to the skin and increased sun sensitivity. It is threat to people who come to contact. 


It is mostly used in moisturizers which often cause the irritation of skin. Parabens have big effect on hormones and caused hormonal imbalance and also caused the breast cancer.

You can improve your skin tone make it brighter or make it more even out lighter and also gives nice, healthy glow.   Some of ingredients you can use that have skin lighten content in it with no side effect. These can be used for long term such as:

  • Kojic acid 
  • Arbutin
  • Licorice extract
  • Niacinamide
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Glycolic acid

Lactic acid 

These are safe ingredients which are present in your skin lightening creams that can be used, so these can be used relatively long period of time without any side effects. Cream containing glycolic

acid can help in lightening the skin tone. Whenever you buy these creams you first tested on a neck area, so take a small amount apply on neck area and see how your skin reacts to it next 48 hours, then go ahead on applying on whole face. These ingredients are the plants extracts and some people do have allergy to plant extract so be careful to using the creams. Whenever you using skin lightening creams you have to include sunscreen into your routine to apply regularly. Some of these are:

Fear and pink

Fear and pink glow cream is a four dimensional fairness cream it improve glow, moisturizes, complexation, nourishment. It reduces the age spots, freckles, uneven skin tone and discoloration. It is medically dermatologist recommended cream has minimum to minimum side effects.


It is not improving your skin tone it also improve the dark circles around the eyes.  This cream contains kojic acis, vit. A and vit. C, that works on the fairness and pigmentation of skin. It is ultra-whitening and antioxidant cream that protect you from anti aging process. It is medically dermatologist recommended cream has minimum to minimum side effects.


It is non greasy. Cream contains kojic acis, vit. E and vit. C and liqurize extract. It works on lightening the skin and pigmentation. It removes the brown spot and discoloration. It prevent from anti aging process.

Glutone C

It is expensive and more effective.  It  giutathone, vitamin C that is antioxidant which fairs the complexion. It removes the achne, freck;es and dark spot. It provides the even tone to skin.

In these cream zinc oxides and titanium dioxides that gives you better protection from UV and also long wave UVA. In these creams glycolic acid presents that lighten the skin and provide the laser treatment.

 Presence of Vitamin A in creams help in reducing the pigmentation of skin especially epidermal skin pigmentation it can also reduce the amount of melanin transfer. Vitamin C works as anti oxidant that scavenge free radicals so certainly from UV lights environmental stress free.              Written by:  samuyya latif

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