Natural EYESIGHT Improving strategies.....

 Home Remedies for natural Eyesight

Eyesight is a major problem in our country now days. It is very common in old age as well as young age and children also. In old age people they can not see those things that are far away to their eyes. On the other hand some old age people can't see those things that are near to their eyes. In adults the major eyesight issues started in the early 40s and then 50s.

 It is particularly started when you are reading a book or see something on your mobile phone or a computer. Poor vision at a near distance is one of the most common vision challenges between the age of 40 and 60. so. if you can see some changes in your eyesight then consult this problem with the physician as soon as possible. If you don't go early then this problem in your eyes is a major problem and you can face a very hard situation. 

First of all you should hold reading materials and kept them so far away to see them and to read them. If you read newspapers or books in the dim-light then the words in the books appear blurred.

If you are interested in improving your vision then you must wear prescription or contact lenses to maintain your eyesight or vision. But if you want to do something interesting to enhance your vision then in this article, we explore some different methods for you to enhance your vision at 50 or above.

Food for the eyes to enhance vision 

Carrots are used to enhance vision. It is good for your vision. It may increase your eyesight at 50. Its use is not wrong. They are a rich source of Vitamin A which is also an essential nutrient for the vision. Vitamin A is not the only vitamin that enhance your vision. Beside Vitamin A you should also used those foods that are rich source of vitamin C, vitamin E, Copper and Zinc and also add them in your diet.

If your eyesight week in your older age then macular degeneration is a major challenge for your age. In case of macular degeneration eat foods such as pumpkins, egs, carrots, dark leafy reens and sweet potatoes.

Fish is also a great source of vitamins and it is also useful for your eyes. Cold water fish such as mackeral, wild salmon and cod fish are rich source in DHA, a fatty acid that regulates cell membranes including those that are involve in your eyes. 

Exercises for your vision

As we know that human body is made up of muscles and eyes are also a component of our body. It also contain some muscles and you must do some exercise to keep your eyes in a good condition. The eye exercise is known to be beneficial for us when it is done in the morning, when your eyes feel tired and before retiring to bed, then you can do some exercise for this. If you do this type of exercise for a month then you can also see the difference between them.

Warm your eyes for five seconds with your palms. this process is repeated three times. rolling your eyes is not just an expression of annoyance but it can help your muscles too.Then after this look up and then roll your eyes in circle about ten times in both the directions.

To sharpen your focus or interest then hold a pen with a length of your arm and then just focus on it. Then move the pen so closer slowly until it is about just six inches far from your nose. This process is repeated ten times. 

Improve blood circulation is useful to the small blood vessels in the eyes because it removes some harmful chemicals that are present in the eyes and have been deposited.  Its exercise also includes that a morning walk is also enough for this.

Rest for your eyes

If you are doing some work and your eyes feel tired then close your eyes for few seconds. It is very helpful for your eyes. You can do this exercise just after an half hour or many times or when you need this then do this exercise for your vision. If you are sitting in sofa and do some work then just close your eyes for few seconds. Because of this your eyes feel refresh.

Get Enough Sleep

Different things around us can be bad for our eyes. For example sitting for long periods of time in front of a computer. reading a book, pool chlorine water in your eyes, using dim light when reading a book and also use florescent lights can degrade or show a great effect on your vision.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking can also show great effect in your eyes and can cause a blindness. Smoking can also damage your muscles and your eyes also contain muscles and it also effect on cataracts and can also cause Age- related macular degeneration. However, smoking can reduce the number of antioxidants that are useful for your eyes.

Have regular eye exams

People that are involve in poor vision or eyesight can do some type of regular exams. sometimes it happens that a person is getting too late to diagnose this type of disease.  Getting eye exams early can help diagnose problems before they become severe. 
Regular vision includes

The eyeglasses that you are used should be changed with time.If you are not change them with time then the diopter that is present in the eyeglasses can cause damage to your eyes.

Sometimes turned or crossed eyes can cause strain on your eyes muscles. In case of this you can consult this problem with your physician.So that he can help you to diagnose this type of disease early to avoid causing further damage to your eyes. 

Eye tone: This type of tone can changes with your age and the lenses can bridge any defects.

Retina exam: The blood vessels present in retina it can cause a diabetes. Eye exams can reveal more type of health issues besides vision.


Besides 50 or above. The vision can be a challenging or acceptable. we can improve it with a ood lifestyle, healthy nutrition, and regular eye checkups.
                  Written by;  Hadia Khalid

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