15 Most Smartest Birds In The world....

 What is Animal intelligence?

Simply put,  scientists  determine  animal intelligence based on four criteria: 

  • Problem-solving  ability
  •  Self-awareness
  •  Emotional quotient
  •   creativity.  


The intelligent animals  in the  world are listed below  that meet at least one of the criteria, and some  that  meet  more than one criterion.

1. Crow

Crows are  said  to be the smartest birds on the planet. They belong to a small  array  of animals  ahead of  tools, including elephants,  octopuses  and bears. 

Another fascinating  fact about crows is that they also  produce  their own tools from leaves and twigs. 

Crows use tools to find food.  Usually,  they use twigs and sticks to poke  insects,  berries  and seeds and eat them.  They can also store food like a pro! Yes, crows know which food to  eat  first and which  food  to  save  for later. 

Another interesting fact about crows that  fabricate  them the smartest birds? They have an uncanny memory  of  human  visage  being able to remember facial features for up to 5 years.

2. Raven

Crows  are  one of  the  smartest  birds on Earth for  many  reasons. 

They are experts  at imitating  the  voices  of humans and other birds. 

 One of their favorite party tricks is to  imitate  the sound of  water being flushed  and a  car  starting  up! Like ravens, crows  can  use tools to find food. 

 Additionally, crows  can remember the faces of  people  and other animals thanks to  ‘episodic memory’.  

 These  clever  birds can play games like  hide  and  seek and, like humans,  communicate  through gestures. 

3. Jackdaw

Jackdaws are not only very  intelligent,  but also one of  the most  sociable  birds.  

As members of  the  corvid family,  both  birds have many similar habits, including the ability to recognize facial features. It  can also be trained to copy  people's words.  

 Jackdaws love eye contact. They are the only non-primate  creatures that can interpret  gestures by looking into the eyes of humans and other birds.  

These birds  make  different calls  depending on  different situations, including greeting calls, feeding calls,  and  warning  calls. 

4. Western scrub Jay

Jays  are  considered  one of the  smartest  birds  due to  their innovative  food storage processes.  

Many  birds also store  food,  but none do  it  better than  the  jay.  

To  prevent  other birds  or  rodent squirrels  from  stealing their food, these  clever  birds hide their food in  safe places and keep  a  close eye on  it.  Additionally,  they  often  change  their  hiding  place.  

The most exciting and  interesting  part of their process is that  jays  sometimes  pretend to hide  food  in  one  place. But  in reality, they choose another safe  place to store  their  food.

 In this  way, they  deceive  other birds and animals and protect their food. 

5. Clark's Nutcracker

Clark's Nutcracker secured fifth place on  the  list of the smartest birds  due to its keen  memory. 

These birds  still  remember  their food  locations  even after  9  months of  storage.  They do this by  recognizing  landmarks  such as  fence  posts and  tree  stumps.  

Clark Nutcracker  must collect  approximately  98,000 seeds  over  the winter to  survive.  

And since  they don't  hide all  of their food in one place,  they choose and remember  several  hiding  places. 

6. Red Billed chough

The red-billed jackdaw is a non-migratory bird that lives  in Asia, Europe, and  Africa and is  known for  its  excellent acrobatics. 

In addition to their amazing flying abilities,  these birds can  also  perform various  acrobatics  in the air. 

Red-billed  Jackdaws  also  have a variety of  tools for moving objects,  cracking  open  mussel  shells, and picking  insects from  trees for food. 

One of the tricks  this clever bird uses  is to  crack  open mollusks and  use  the cracked  part to crack open the  shells  of other mollusks and eat  the contents. 

7. White Bellied Treepie

Found in  southwest India,  the  white-bellied  bird is  also one of the most  intelligent and  adaptable  birds on the planet. 

Like the  chough,  these intelligent birds can perform  a variety of  acrobatic tricks. 

They  like to live  in small groups and are  able to imitate  other birds. 

8. Eurasian Magpie

Also known as common magpies, they find themselves surrounded by various superstitions. 
An old  English  rhyme says  that  a  person's  fate is  determined by the number of  times  they see  a magpie:  "One  for  sadness,  two for  joy,  three for a  funeral  and four for  a birth. " »  
But  that doesn't  change the fact  that  they are one of the  smartest  birds in the world. 
 They have a brain-to-body ratio similar to  great apes and aquatic mammals. 

 What makes these  intelligent  birds truly special is their ability to work in  groups  and  cry  like  humans.  Eurasian  magpies hold  a sort of “funeral” when a  member of the  group  dies.  Not only  that,  these birds are also  experts in  understanding food and  diet.  

To feed  children,  they create their own  eating  utensils and divide  meals into smaller portions. 

9. Rook

Rooks also belong to the crow  family, so they  are  considered one of the  most intelligent  birds in the world. 
 A unique and impressive fact about rooks is that these birds are excellent problem solvers. 
Solve  any complex social or ecological problem  that comes  their  way  and  the recruits  will surprise you with their  bird-like  intelligence. 
 Scientists conducted an interesting experiment on these birds to understand their intelligence. 
 One tower  was  given  a half-filled water bottle  with  a worm  running down  it. The  crow  wanted to eat the worm but  knew  that  his  beak  would not  reach the worm. 

 So at  dinner, the  tower  brought  some  stones and  threw  them into the bottle. This raised the water  level  and the  tower was able to  enjoy its meal. 

10. Woodpecker Finch

Natives to the Galapagos Islands, woodpecker finches are not your usual large woodpecker birds. Instead, woodpecker finches belong to the finch family and are pretty small.

The reason finches are considered to be one of the most intelligent birds is because of their mastery of tools. 

These birds build various sharp and practical tools with the help of twigs, leaves, sticks, and even cactus spines.

11. African grey parrot

The African gray parrot takes  the  11th place  on our list of the  world's  smartest  birds.  

Not only do these types of parrots have  great intelligence,  but they are  also very beautiful!  

The  African  gray parrot is  one of the most beautiful birds, with  the  impressive  ability to learn  up to 1,000 different words! 

They are also experts  at imitating  human speech and other sounds. 

Research has  found  that African  gray  parrots  possess  the emotional and mental  abilities  of  a  5-year-old  child. 

12. Fork Tailed Drongo

These small birds with  shiny  black  feathers  are experts  at tricking  other  birds and stealing their food. 

Using  their  minds,  these smart birds can  think of  creative ways to steal food for their daily meals. 

One of their favorite tricks is to  sound a  false alarm  to scare  birds away from their food. Then,  when  the coast is clear,  the  fork-tailed drongos  will  take away the other  birds' meals!  

Although extremely  cunning, they also help other birds and protect them from predators. 

When danger is detected,  fork-tailed drongos  emit  loud warning  calls  to  alert  birds and  other  animals  to  the presence of predators. 

13. Kea

Keas  is  native to the South Island of New Zealand. They belong to the  parrot family  and are intelligent birds like  them.  

In fact, scientists  say kea  are as smart as a 4-year-old child! 

Keas are  very good  at pulling and pushing  various  objects to  get  food. They also  created  various tools to  pick  berries and  sting  insects for their meals. 

While living  in  challenging  environments, they have also developed problem-solving skills and can  adapt  to complex social dynamics. 

14. Cockatoos

Cockatoos are beautiful and friendly birds that can be easily  tamed. It is  also one of the most intelligent birds in the world. 

Some scientists  claim  that these birds are  smarter  than toddlers! 

These birds also have a penchant for dancing. You can often  see  them dancing to  the  music and having a great time! 

Another  interesting  fact about these birds? They are excellent at co-parenting.  Unlike other birds, cockatoos believe in  group efforts  and  when  their offspring are born, both parents take turns  caring for  their babies. 

15. Macaws

Macaws also belong to the  parrot  family  and are  considered  the second most intelligent parrots in the world.  

Native to Mexico, Central, and South America, these birds are so smart (and a  little greedy!)  that they can find their favorite seeds  in  a bowl  filled with  nuts and seeds.  different.  

These  intelligent  birds also use different sounds for different purposes. For example, they have unique calls  to announce  danger and  establish  their territory. 

And they even share hunting tips and secrets with their  friends!   

Due to their social nature, macaws are one of the most  domesticated birds.  The  intelligence level  of birds  is quite similar to that of human toddlers. They  require  attention, toys, and treats from their owners. 

And if  we refuse,  they  will  sulk or  throw a tantrum  like toddlers. 

               Written by: Hadia Khalid

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