Facts about BOMB blast in LEBANON 2020....

Lebanon Attack

On August 04, 2020 pakistan had faced a great Bomb Blast in the Beirut city which is the Capital of Lebanon(country in Middle East)

Many people died in this attack. This attack seems to be Very dangerous. Many people have lost their lives in this blast. In this blast many approximately 135 people are died and 5,000 are injured and hundreds or thousands people were homeless. With the passage of time 2020 have become a very dangerous for us. Many things that do not become anywhere were now in Pakistan.And it is a very difficult situation for everybody.

The President of Lebanon's said that this blast is due to 22,750 tonnes of  Ammonium Nitrate which is typically used as an agriculture Fertilizer had been stored for six years in a port of Beirut without safety measures in a small warehouse. The explosion hit many buildings near the waterfront. Health facilities were ended However, they were more needed at that time. 

The secretary General of the political party Nizar  Najarian was also killed in the blast. And Kamal Hayek, which is the chairman f the State- owned electricity company, was involve in the injured persons, who was in critical condition, the news agency team reported this. 

Many videos and posts related to this blast were captured and share this on social media. With the help of social media, people can see this blast in millions of kilometeres. The Lebanese said that all the ambulances that are present at a time or in the city was being depatched to Beirut to help the patients and to recover them as soon as possible.

The seats in Hospitals was full due to the patients. Therefore, Many patients kept at the outside of the Hospital. Besides these Hospitals, American hospital also booked for the patients.Public Health Minister Hamad Hassan said that he also checked the patients in hospitals with their behalf and also treat them like a good citizen. This was reported by National News Agency. 

Prime Minister said that the day which is called Wednesday would be a national day in the mourning. This was also reported by National  News Agency. 

A large cache of explosive material sized by the government many years ago was stored at a warehouse where the explosions occurred, according to top Lebanese official specially, Ammonium Nitrate which is used in both fertilizer and bomb. When Ammonium Nitrate is used accidentally then it caused a number of deadly industrial accidents including the worst in the United Nations. In 1947, A ship which carry Ammonium Nitrate caught fire and exploded in the harbor of Texas city, Texas, starting a chain reaction of blasts and blazes that killed many people like 581. The chemical that is present in bombs used by several terrorists in the terrorist attack including the destruction of the federal office building in Oklahoma city in 1995, which killed 168 people.

In a Televised statement, An official of  the Lebanese Higher Defence Council quoted Prime Minister Diab as saying; I will not Realx until we find the responsible party for what happened, hold it accountable and apply the most serious punishments against it because it is not acceptable that a shipment of ammonium nitrate- estimated to be 2,750 tons- was in depot for the past six years.

Mr. Macron was the first foreign leader who visit Lebanese after the blast. and he walked through very hard areas to speak with residents. The United States is providing more than $15 million in aid, and the president Trump said on Friday that he would like to join Sunday's video conference. 

Ahmad Aboul Gheit, which is the head of the Arab League, said on Saturday that he would seem to be mobilize support from Arab countries after Meeting with the president Aoun. The patients that were injured in this blast were in serious condition. Nothing space left in Hospitals. To keep other patients in Hospitals Government decide to make the university the place for the patients where they can take their last breaths. 

This blast stirred the momories of war in a city that had been relatively calm in the recent years.Besides this we should pray for those who lost their lives in this blast and May God give patience of their parents of their forefathers.

        Written by:  Hadia khalid

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