EFFECTIVE ways and TIPS to increase APPETITE...

Home Remedies to increase your appetite

 This is the most common problem among different age groups. Sometimes this process is reversible and is also a temporary. It does not remain in someone’s life for forever. Sometimes the stomach of a person is so full that he cannot eat anything next to it. If you don’t eat anything then loss of appetite often leads to weight loss and it is a big issue for us because if the weight of a person is already a very low and he can’t eat those things that are a rich source of vitamins then he will lose his weight.


Sometimes this disease which is called loss of appetite is due to some serious diseases like 


Kidney problem




Infection related to bacteria

Weight loss

Sometimes to treat this type of disease many types of medicines are being used but instead of waste much amount of money in medicines we should need to do some home remedies to treat this. Because home remedies are good and have no side effects but on the other hand, false use of medicine can lead us to death here are some ways related to this, in which you can improve your appetite.

 Black pepper

It has been used in this symptom very early. This is often used to increase appetite and to improve the digestion. It also used in food items. It plays its role in stomach and other intestinal problems. It also stimulates the taste buds that are present in tongue. Which results in an increase in the secretion of acid in the stomach that also play its role in improves the digestion.


It is often used in every type of food item. It is also used for medicinal purpose.it is loaded with antioxidants, compounds that prevent stress and cause damage to your DNA. They may also help your body fight off chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease and also include lung diseases.

Side effects

Increasing bleeding tendency

Abdominal discomfort

Central nervous system depression



Mouth or throat irritation

Use ginger daily can kill many antibiotics or diseases and can support your health. It plays its role in blood pressure to control this. It also improves blood circulation and relax the muscles surrounding blood vessels and lowering the blood pressure.

Indian Gooseberry

It is also known as Amla and helps us to increase appetite which is caused by gastrointestinal issues. it also improves the digestive tract so it may work more properly and it also detoxify the liver. Vitamin C is present in high amount and it also regulate the immune system.


It plays its role in the secretion of digestive juices that is also increase the appetite. 

You should simply pick 2 or 3 pieces of cardamoms and then simply chew it. Besides this, you should also add cardamom powder in your tea and then tea shows great taste for you.

Carom seeds

These are also known as Ajwain. It can cure the almost all types of problems that are related to stomach. These seeds help in the secretion of enzymes and some other acids that are needed in the digestion of food.

Tip; Always consult your doctor or physician in case of any problem and then use your own prescription.

Tips to increase your appetite

1. Use only those foods that are a rich source of proteins and vitamins. Not only use it but also add these types of foods in your daily routine. Before you can eat or, make something then first of all, plan your every meal that today you want to eat this.

2. Also pick that food that have calories in high amount like milk, butter, ghee, cheese and other protein- rich foods to your meal.

3. Avoid low calories that are present in any type of food and also fiber- rich foods.

4. Take exercises regularly or after regular intervals.

5. Also, you need to drink those drinks that are more energetic for your body like protein- rich shakes.

6. Eat those foods that are your favorite one of all.

Loss of appetite has many causes but these can be cured. You must do one thing that if you feel uneasy then consult this problem with your doctor or physician without waste your precious time. If you are displaying a symptom of bulimia and anorexia then these types of conditions need medical intervention and cannot be treated with remedies. 

For those persons who are suffer from this type of disease like loss of appetite then he or she must try any or one of the following remedies to increase their appetite and then you can see some changes that are noticing by you.

Hypothalamus, which is the part of our brain controls our appetite and also regulate some major changes that are noticing in you or can be seen in you.

            Written by:  Hadia Khalid

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