
Brain of epileptic patient
Brain of epileptic patient

It is a chronic disorder that effect our central nervous system. 

 It can cause many health problems. It is also related to the brain injury. It is also the fourth most common neurological disorder that effects men, women and the people of all ages.

 A seizure is a rush of electrical activity in the brain.

Types of Seizures

  • Generalized seizures that effects the whole brain
  • Focal or partial seizures that effect only one part of brain.
  • A mild seizure  may be difficult to recognize. it can last a few seconds during which you lack awareness

Epilepsy can affects 65 million people. in the whole world. But in the united states it can affect only 3 million people. This type of disease is more common in the young children and in adults. It occurs in males than in females. There is no cure or treatment for the epilepsy but you can improve yourself  with this condition by doing some medications and other strategies.It is not a form of mental illness and retardation.

Causes  of epilepsy

Pie chart
pie chart

The causes of epilepsy are not known . some conditions are as follows that can result in epilepsy. 
  • Birth defects
  • Deprivation of oxygen to the brain
  • Strokes
  • Severe head injuries
  • Infection in brain 
  • Brain tissue alternation( for example Alzheimer's disease)
  • Head trauma
  • Prenatal injury
  • Oxygen deficiencies
  • Developmental disorders

Epilepsy in children

Attack of epilepsy
Epileptic attack

This symptom develop in children in a very few years. Some children prevent seizures by taking some medications on a daily basis or  consult with you doctor. However, 70 to 80% children can control their condition completely.During an epileptic seizure, people repeatedly try to straighten the patient's hands and feet. We should not do this at all.





This process of epilepsy begins with a medical history and other physical exams along with detailed history that also describe individual's seizures. In addition other tests such as an EGG (Electroencephalogram) that function is to record the activity of brain. and the blood tests may also be done. It is the test used to diagnose epilepsy.Also anticonvulsent drugs are used.


The onset of epilepsy is usually before age 30. The patients should avoid drinking alcohal.

Epilepsy complications

Some people that are suffering from epilepsy lives a normal life span and can suffer from injuries from attack. There are other some patients especially those that are suffering from attack with tonic conic attack. who may need some special precautions such as wearing a helmet to protect the head during falls or avoid swimming.

other precautions include driving, childcare,and sport participation should be considered serious attack.

Some patients have few epilepsy complications. it is a good idea to consult your problem with the physician. or doing some other activities that you should be able to do this.

symptoms of epilepsy

Seizure symptoms
seizure symptoms

  • Temporary confusion
  • A staring spell
  • some jerking movements of the arms and legs
  • Loss of consciousness or awareness
  • fear
  • Anxiety

When to see a Doctor

if you notice in yours some of the following symptoms then consult your doctor as soon as possible.

  • The attack more than lasts for 5 minutes
  • Difficulty in breathing when the seizure stops.
  • you have a high fever or temperature.
  • You're pregnant
  • When you have diabetes.
  • When you have injured yourself with attack

Risk factors


The process of epilepsy is more common in male than in female and also in children that can occur at any age.

Family History

If you have a family history of epilepsy then you may be at an increased risk of developing a seizure attack.

Head injuries

They are also responsible for some cases of epilepsy. You can reduce this risk by wearing helmet while driving a bicycle or motorcycle, or by wearing a seat belt by riding a car or engage yourself with a high risk of head injury.

It can also increase the risk of epilepsy in older age.

Brain infections

It can also increase the problems of epilepsy in the old age people. It includes Inflammation, in your brain or spinal cord that can increase your risk of losing yourself.

Seizures in Childhood

High fevers that are involve in the death of the child. It does not develop general epilepsy. This term increases if a child has a long seizure, another nervous system condition or a family history of epilepsy.

Complications of Epilepsy

  • Drowning
  • Car accidents
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Emotional health issues
  • Status epilepticus

Treatment of epilepsy 

  • Medicines called anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs)
  • Surgery to remove a small part of the brain that's causing the seizures.
  • A procedure to put a small electrical device inside the body that can help control seizures
  • You may not need any treatment if you can consult your doctor at a time.
  • Talk to your physician if you can find a problems related to epilepsy in your own. Without wasting any time.
  • Also you need a special kind of diet in which you can control this disease.
Written by: Hadia khalid

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